you can grow
hibiscus- tropical evergreen needs full sun
Cannas- they are perenials in NON tropical regions and need lots of water and full sun.
Butterfly bush- not the prettiest, but effective for the butterful garden
water lilies- there are different types so look into it if you get below freezing.
bougainvillea- thorny vine that has tropical flowers and attracts butterflys.
gardenia- probably not the best for humid areas, but area by the coast can get away with it.
bananas- only when in fruiting stage will it attract butterflys.
cala lily- nice plants ant attract butterflies.
Geraniums_ may be an annual unless in the 80s all year. you may have to by a new every year, but they also attract butterflies.
birds of paradise- tropical so be careful also need full sun.
croton_ the folage attracts them.
water- the water will atract butterflies
Adult butterflies are attracted to sweet, sharp and fragrant smells and the colors orange, yellow, pink, purple and red. All varieties love wild flowers %26amp; need both nectar plants and larval food plants to keep their life cycle going. There are a lot of those types of plants in the Phillippines.
Some Butterfly Attracting Plants:
Alpine rockcress (Arabis alpina), Aster, Azalea, Black-Eyed Susan, Butterfly Bush, Butterfly Weed, Bugle (Ajuga), Campion/ Catchfly (Silene), Caragana/ Pea tree (Caragana aurantiaca), Catmint/ Catnip (Nepeta x faasseniii), Chives (Allium schoenoprasum), Common marjoram (Origanum vulgare), Daisy, Day lily, Egyptian Star Flower, Field eryngo (Eryngium), French Marigold, Geranium, Heliopsis, Hemp agrimony (Eupatorium purpureum), Honesty (Lunaria), Honeysuckle (Lonicera x tellmania), Hyssop, Ironweed, Joe-Pye Weed, Knapweed (Centaurea), Knautia Scabious, Lantana, Lavendar, Lilacs, Leopards-bane (Doronicum), Ligularia, Martagon lily, Masterwort (Astrantia), Mezereon (Daphne), Mouse-ear (Cerastrium), Pennycress (Thlaspi), Phlox, Pink (Dianthus), Pincushion flower (Scabiosa), Primrose (Primula), Purple Coneflower, Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), Ragged robin (Lychnis), Siberian squill, Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata),Snakeroot (Liatris spicata), Speedwell (Veronica), Stoke’s Aster, Stonecrops (Sedum), Blazing Star, Sweet pea , Thrift rose (Armeria), Thistle, Tickseed (Coreopsis), Vervain (Verbena), Vetch (Vicia), Viburnum, Yellow chamomile (Anthemis tinctoria), Zinnia.
A variety of blossoms offer nectar to adult butterflies, while leafy food sources, such as parsley, nourish the larvae. %26quot;Butterfly bush%26quot; lures butterflies of all sorts. Rocks are convenient perches for butterflies to sun themselves, and a birdbath provides water.
Here is a detailed butterfly garden can use similar bright color tropical plants that are native to your area. Locate it where it receives six or more hours of sun daily:
Plants listed for Monarch butterflies besides Milkweed which Monarch butterflies eat %26amp; thrive on. (Nectar source)
Larval host plants(by butterfly)
Here%26#039;s info on Monarch Migration:
Common butterfly attracting plants %26amp; caterpillars food plants:
Butterfly catterpillar host plant, %26amp; butterfly nectar source:
Good luck! Hope this helps.
Reply:Please visit butterfly conservatory gardens
Good luck!
Reply:I have a butterfly garden in my backyard. Near the end of summer they flock to my butterfly bush. I have three of the bushes and they are my main attractant. They also love pincushion flower (scabiosa). Some say Black Eyed Susan but I%26#039;ve never seen them on those flowers in my yard. Purple Gayfeather, Bee Balm and Aster are also big hits in my garden. The butterflies not only love them, but the humming birds do too.
A few years ago I bought a discounted can of seed specially made for a %26quot;Butterfly Garden%26quot; . I stored it over winter and in the spring I planted it on the south side of my house. The butterflies were everywhere. You can find this at any home improvement store in their garden section.
They also love when you put out rotting fruit, such as watermelon. I have seen it done it other gardens, but don%26#039;t care to do it because we have a bad ant problem due to dry, sandy soil.
If you put a water mister out also during very hot days they love to fly through the water. The birds love it too!
Reply:Scroll way down this screen for lots and lots of information (USA):
%26quot;To attract butterflies, you will need to keep a few things in mind. Butterflies need sunshine to keep warm, and most of the flowers that attract them need sunshine, too. Make sure when you select a location for the garden that it%26#039;s in a sunny area. Adding rocks and bricks for the butterflies to bask in the sun will keep the butterflies close to your yard. (they also need still water on the ground - I use a jar lid)
When selecting your plants, choose a variety of plants so that there are always flowers blooming at all times during the summer. If you plant all of the same type flower and they bloom and die, the butterflies will leave. Here are some of the plants that attract butterflies the most
Butterfly bush
Zinnia %26quot;books authors
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